Irish Settlers Of 1825
Robinson Descendants 2025

200th Anniversary Of The Peter Robinson Settlers Of 1825
What is Happening at KARA in the Celebration week
August 1 – 10, 2025
Stop by any day during the celebration week August 1 through 10, 2025, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to Chat with Us about your Family Connections to the Robinson Settlers of 1825.
- Browse our Cemetery Transcriptions and Headstone Photograph Collection, Newspaper Clippings, Family Histories, or look for a baptism or marriage in our microfilm collection of the Peterborough Catholic Diocese parish registers 1845-1910.
- Enjoy a delightful half hour or more, viewing the KARA photo display, Descendants in Our Time. Spend some time enjoying one or more of the KARA power-point Slide Shows. First presented in October 2024, this original one hour presentation has been separated into six short overviews that represent some of the families who came as Robinson Settlers in 1825.
- Browse through Lists of the Settler Families who boarded each ship or spend some time reviewing the Fiats issued to settlers seeking their Land Patents.
- Talk with us about Land Records or locate your ancestor’s property on one of the Maps in the Historical Atlas of Peterborough County.
- Discover what can be found in the Heir and Devisee Records. Talk with us about how to sort through Census Records, whether in the Head of Household style of the 1830s and 1840s or the Nominal Census style that began in 1851.
- Ask us about how our area’s name changed, as we moved from Upper Canada, to Canada West, to Ontario. Or discover how Peterborough County was once part of the Newcastle District and later was the Colborne District before given our present day County system of names. There is so much to discover.
- KARA’s new volumes Robinson Roots Footprints of the Past will be available for purchase.
OUR 2025 Goal For KARA

Almost eight years ago, the Board of Directors at KARA set us upon a path toward the year 2025.
As a result, that path leads steadily forward to a celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Peter Robinson Settlers’ arrival. This historic celebration will happen in 2025. We will be ready!
Our contribution to such a grand event is the publication of a new work. It focuses upon the descendants of the Robinson Settlers of 1825. To that end, we have been researching and gathering information. If you have ancestors who came very early to live in Peterborough, then you may have links to the 1825 settler families.
Step by step we connect people of today to their early immigrant ancestors.
Steadily we identify more material to include in our “new book” that will be released in 2025.
Will the end result of our research be a single or multiple volumes? There is so much to learn about descendants of those original 315 families who ventured forth from Ireland’s shores. Our decision is not yet finalized.
Are You A Descendant ?
Many local folk know about their roots back to the 1825 emigration. Many do not. Some have an oral family story that there was a connection, “way back when”. Some have no idea of their family links.
People everywhere will delight in discovering their connections to those settler families of long ago.
Our goal is to help people of today discover their connections to those 1825 pioneer settlers. We look forward to helping them learn about the arrival of 2024 individuals who departed their Irish homeland in the spring of 1825, to sail for the shores of Upper Canada. It is rewarding to help people of today discover their Canadian and Irish connections.
Do You Have Something To Contribute ?
We have been researching for many years now. Much information has been learned and gathered up about the Robinson Settlers and those who followed.
There is yet time before the celebration arrives. We are still looking for more data, more family photographs and more details of family stories to include.
Please reach out to us. Contact KARA by email:
At KARA, we are eager to hear from you. You may be able to contribute new information. Perhaps you can resolve a question about a family descendant. Or maybe you have a lovely family photo to share. The book will come out in time for 2025. The time to act is now.
Send Us Information
Yes, you can send us information about your known connections to the Robinson Settlers. We do review, confirm, document and source all material being considered for inclusion in our forthcoming book. Keeping the data accurate matters.
Here’s what you need to include: Your name and a working contact address or email.
Digital copies of photos can be sent as attachments. Jpg format is good and the scanned image size should be at least 4 by 6 inches; 1mg and 300 dpi.
Also include details about when the photo was taken and who are the family members shown in the picture.
These details help us correctly identify photographs included in the final book layout and let us correctly credit, in the books Bibliography, those who share materials with us.
We look forward to hearing from you!