Once Upon A Town
All Saints Church Peterborough
That the post card, shown above, has a Roy Studio signature, dates this photograph to at least 1896, the year in which Robert Maitland Roy took over the Peter Hunt Green Studio in Peterborough. Since Roy would need time to create his own business logo for use on his produced images and given that this Roy post card was printed in Great Britain, it is likely that this picture was taken some time well after the year 1896.
The post card is also titled, “All Saints Church Peterborough”, thereby providing yet another clue about the time frame in which the photograph was taken, because in its earliest years, this was not the name by which the parish was known.
Early Parish Beginnings
The Parish beginnings date back to the year 1875, when it began as the South Ward Mission. At the time it was under the ministry of Reverend J. W. R. Beck, then incumbent of St. John’s Anglican Church on Hunter Street. The Mission first served the needs of the community through services and Sunday School classes held in a small building located on Dalhousie Street. For another fifteen years, this small but growing parish continued. However, by the close of the 1880s, the parish was ready to build its own church.
Erected in 1891, the original church was known under the name of St. John’s South Ward Mission. The first service here was held on Christmas Day of that same year.
Loss of a Dedicated Member
In 1893, there passed away Lily Barlee, one of the devoted supporters of St. John’s South Ward Mission. Her death was reported in the local Peterborough Examiner of 30 January 1893:
This morning a telegram received from Denver, conveyed the sad intelligence of the death of Miss Lily Barlee, who passed away on Sunday morning at 7 o’clock, about one hour before the arrival of her sister Miss Barlee, who with Miss Chamberlen was hastening to her bedside.
The deceased lady went to Denver last spring for the relief of that remorseless disease, consumption. Some months ago, her sister Mabel joined her and on Thursday Miss Barlee and Miss Chamberlen started for Denver, arriving about an hour after death had done its work. Miss Barlee was a most estimable young lady, performing the duties of both home and in relation to the church, with a beautiful spirit of loving devotion and thoughtlessness of self. She was for years associated actively with St. John’s South Ward Mission, filling the positions of teacher and organist with unfailing punctuality. Her early and sad death will cause deep grief in the wide circle of friends her many amiable qualities created. She leaves to mourn her death four sisters Misses Mabel and Jane who are at Denver and Misses Edith and Rose who are at home.
The funeral of Lily Barlee took place on 4 February 1893:
The remains of the late Miss Barlee, daughter of the late George Barlee , Deputy Registrar, arrived home for burial on the CPR express last evening in charge of her two sisters and Miss Chamberlen. The funeral took place this afternoon to Little Lake Cemetery, Rev. C. B. Kenrick, M. A., Curate, of St. John’s Church, conducted the funeral service.
Marriage Celebrations
On a happier note, a wedding was performed in 1893 that was also associated with the Mission Church. The Peterborough Examiner of 28 September 1893 noted the celebration:
A happy event took place at the residence of Mr. Henry Wills last night when his eldest daughter, Miss Agnes, was married to Mr. Israel Good, town. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends by Rev. W. M. Loucks, of St. John’s Church mission. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Alberta Wills, while the groom was supported by Mr. Harry Martin. The usual wedding dinner was partaken of. The presents were useful and beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Good left on the midnight CPR train for Montreal and other places on a short wedding tour. Returning to town they will take up their residence on Stewart street where their many friends will wish them success and happiness.
An early town directory listed the Mission Church for 1895-1897:

In 1897, the church was again listed in the local town directory as a Mission:

A similar entry is found the 1899 directory:

In 1901 the Directory listing changes:

Since the year 1875, All Saints Anglican Church has served the people of its community. Early services were held in the original church on the south west corner of Rubidge and Sherbrooke Streets. Today that church has become the Parish Hall in which many celebrations take place in association with services held in the current church. When the parish membership grew overly large for the first church building to accommodate everyone, a new church was built. Construction began on the present day All Saints Church in July 1909 and services commenced on 23 October 1910.

Google Map image from September 2017

Google Map image from September 2017