Once Upon A Town
Ballyduff 1869
A village in the Township of Manvers, County of Durham, about 30 miles from the County Town and 17 from Newcastle. It is 7 miles from Manver’s Station where the Grand Trunk Railway passes. The population is 150
Surname Given Name Occupation
Benson Greg hotel keeper
Graham James weaver
Benson Thomas farmer; Justice of Peace
Graham John farmer
Benson Wm farmer
Holmes James farmer
Brown Lucas tailor
Holmes Joseph farmer
Davey Thomas G. farmer
Jennings John saw & shingle mill
Dewell John farmer
Kellet Edward farmer
Dewell Matthew farmer
Sethbridge Andrew farmer
McCabe William grist mill
Porter Francis farmer
McCollough George farmer
Porter Joseph farmer
Maxwell W.A. Postmaster & General Merchant
Porter William farmer
Mitchell John farmer
Ream Reuben teacher
Mordant Robert blacksmith
Staple Henry saw mills
Morrow Thomas shoemaker
Ward Joseph hotel,keeper
Muligan Robert farmer
Williamson James P. carpenter
Porter David farmer
Windle Rev. W.C. Presbyterian Minister