Once Upon A Town
Hampton 1869
Hampton Village in 1869 is in the Township of Darlington, County Durham, Ontario. It is 28 miles from Cobourg and 40 from Toronto. There are stages to Bowmanville and Caesarea. The village has a money order office. The population is 500.
Surname Given Name Occupation
Ashton Samuel general merchant
Beer William blacksmith
Bell John hotel keeper
Brigham Hugh M.D.
Bradley Thomas stock dealer
Bunt R. cooper
Cann Thomas J.P.
Clark Thomas blacksmith
Cole John tailor
Courtice Rev. R. T. Bible Christian
Cryderman J.
Elliot Henry Sr. Postmaster, J.P. & Proprietor flouring mill
Elliot Henry Jr. general merchant & Insurance agent
Ellis F. L. teacher
Farley John sash, door & blind manufacturer
Fawke Thomas dealer in hides & leather
Fawke E. S. cabinet maker
Gulley Francis carpenter
Hill William grocer
Hodge Rev. J. Bible Christian
Jenkins Mrs. milliner
Jennings William shoemaker
Jennings William carpenter
Johns John wagon maker
Johns Samuel cooper
Joliffe Rev. Mr. Wesleyan
Martin William shape maker
Merrill Charles M. general agent
Olford T. shoemaker
Pethick Miss E. milliner
PHillips H. F. hotel keeper, auctioneer & stock dealer
Rogers W. H. Justice of Peace
Stonehouse T. G. auctioneer
Territt Joshua butcher
Thomas W. C. saddler
Vanstone William wagon maker
Ward Samuel grocer
Washington Anthony J. P.
Webster Louisa teacher
William D. carpenter
Williams James manufacturer of woolen goods
Williams William notary public
Wright Thomas A. carpenter