Advertising & Marketing
Advertising & Marketing

Early Farming Homestead
From Homestead Self Sufficiency to Market Goods
Shop keepers advertise their goods, wares and services. Advertising is as important a need of businesses, as important in the 1860s as it is today. Every shop keeper wants the buying public to know that his store has just the very things needed. The exact right things to feed your family well, set a beautiful table or decorate your home.

Peterborough Town Businesses
As well, the business owner will entice buyers to visit his store by promoting latest fashions, hard to obtain items, newest and best technologies and those items that are state of the art. People wanted to know how to find these shops and services. As towns grew into cities, the need for a local directory became ever more important and useful. Traveler’s in today’s fast moving cars must recall that the means of travel was still on foot or horseback. As roads were built and improved and as families acquired the means, travel was also accomplished by carriage, stage coach and trains.