MacGregor House in Norwood

Malcolm McGregor was born in Canada West on 25 August 1849. His wife, Margaret, was born 3 January 1855, also in Canada West. In 1881, Malcolm and Margaret lived in the town of Peterborough where he worked as an Expressman. His job entailed packing, managing and ensuring that cargo was delivered, which suggests he probably worked for one of the railway companies.

McGregor of Norwood

Within a couple of years, Malcolm had become the proprietor of Macgregor House, a hotel in the village of Norwood, Ontario, a small but bustling community about twenty-five miles to the east of Peterborough.

Macgregor House Hotel in Norwood, Ontario

Macgregor House Hotel in Norwood, Ontario

Relocation to Lindsay

By 1891, Malcolm and Margaret with their five children had moved to Lindsay, Ontario. Here again, Malcolm kept a hotel. Already their children were growing up quickly. James Louis was 18; Maud 16; Berton 14; Harold 12 and Lilie 9 years.

Before many years had passed, Malcolm and Margaret, with all their children, moved to Carberry, Manitoba. Relying on his lifetime work experience, once more Malcolm kept a hotel.